Sunday, June 18, 2006


I have this great memory of my Dad from when I was a kid. It is something small but it brings forth a flood of a special time with Father and Daughters. The time was Sunday night and my Mother would be off to some special thing at church. We would all get in the kitchen and start to work on Piggy’s in a blanket, using Vienna Sausage, canned biscuits, and tooth picks. Once they were done we would get one of my Mother’s TABS and split it between my sister and me, Take our plates with a little mustard and Ketchup on it and go down to the den. We were never ever allowed to eat in the den; Mother insisted that we eat at the table much less have the TV on during meal time. We pulled out the piano bench and used it as a table. There we would watch The Sunday Disney Movie and eat our dinner and Dad would remind us that this was our secret and we couldn’t ever tell Mom that we were eating in the Den, because this event was strictly against the RULES. But this rule breaking event is one of my favorite all time childhood memories of time with my Dad. I want to relive it sometime soon find a Disney Movie , get my sister , send my Mom out of the house and eat piggy’s in a blanket once again in the Den with my Dad.

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