I have such a very limited amount of free time with working two jobs so when I find something I want to do that happens to fall during my time off I will jump at the chance to go and enjoy. Every Sunday I read through the PostSecret Web site
I have been checking on Sundays for over year. I also have one of his books , that Libby gave me for Christmas. A few weeks ago I had such a chance Frank Warren who authors the site and the books was in Nashville. I went to listen to him talk.
I used to say that I didn't have any Secrets then one Sunday as I read through the posted screts I found one that was mine. It was so deep that I never really realized that it was a secret. So I purged myself of it by sending the link to a few people with a note telling them to read down to cards 10 and 11. There you will find my secrets. That was over a year ago.
For the most part I have no deep dark secrets I am an open book. If you are a true friend then you know me. My Secrets , my heart.
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